18 Bewertungen
Br****** *****ns
My 168/94 upper body effect It is very obvious, it modifies the shape of the legs very well, and the high waist will elongate the shape of the legs, the proportion is very nice
Fa*** ***de
Now the weather is just right for wearing jeans, which look good and keep warm. The legs look longer when worn. The color is the same as the picture, no color difference
Eu** *****ns
Fica cada vez mais fino quando usado, e a calça não gruda no cabelo, e é muito confortável de usar o dia todo, e não fica deformado
Ad****** ******** MD
Le pantalon est en parfait état ! Le haut du corps a l'air plus fin et les jambes plus longues~ Le pantalon droit est assez flatteur et la texture du denim est également bonne
Mr* ****** ********** *r.
Die Form sieht sehr gut aus und vielseitig, der Oberkörper ist sehr dünn und der Stoff ist auch sehr gut
Sa*** *****ll
Pa***** ***sh
질도 좋고 실물 색상도 잘생기고 실용적이고 다재다능하고 허리 부분에 디자인감이 있고, 상체가 매우 가늘어 보이고 편안하게 입기
Ve**** *******ar
Bom, eu gosto e o preço é alto. frequente no futuro
Ra******* ******rt
السراويل في شكل مثالي! الجزء العلوي من الجسم يبدو أنحف والساقين أطول ~ السراويل ذات الساق المستقيمة جميلة جدًا ، كما أن نسيج مادة الدنيم جيد أيضًا
St***** *on
170, 120 catties, geralmente 28, esse 27 é o suficiente. A versão é muito boa.
Fe****** *******er
I received the pants and tried them on for the first time. Is the size standard? They are comfortable and soft to wear
Ka**** *** MD
바지가 엄청 얇아요
Mi** **we
Ik vind hem erg mooi, raad ik aan vrienden om het te kopen
Mu**** *****in
A qualidade das calças é muito boa Sem fios, é de alta qualidade e muito boa
Dr* *** ****el
穿上這條褲子回頭率百分百! !超級顯瘦重點是還顯腿長! ! ! ~面料摸起來也挺舒服的
Mr** ******** ******* *r.
El más adecuado lo compré en los últimos años Jeans, los pantalones de Zhuzhujia no pisan truenos.Los compro desde hace muchos años y me han quedado genial.La figura en forma de pera se ve genial en ellos. Los bebés con caderas anchas y muslos gruesos pueden comprarlos con confianza. La talla 165.11628 es adecuada
Ro***** *******hy
C'est vraiment super texturé, il peut être utilisé en toute occasion , J'ai reçu le pantalon, je l'aime beaucoup, la matière confortable est douce et la qualité est vraiment bonne.Je connais vraiment la version du pantalon
Ab***** *****ch
The upper body effect is good, the shape is correct, the material is good, and it is comfortable to wear.




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